The company also notes that streamers won’t get hit with account suspensions for failing to apply the relevant labels. For clarity, Twitch published a deep dive into when to apply the various labels, a document that yields hyper-specific insights like how “continuously licking a microphone for the duration of the stream” counts as a sexual theme and how the use of “terms like f**k, c**t, or p***y in every other sentence” will earn you a label. These content classifiers are obviously pretty complex and many seem to leave a lot of room for interpretation - a theme that’s plagued Twitch’s often controversial moderation practices over the years. “content intended to draw attention to an individual’s buttocks, groin, or breasts for a prolonged time”), that label can be toggled on and then off again for that portion of the stream. The new labels are dynamic and can be added and removed throughout a stream as needed, so if only a short segment of a five-hour livestream contains sexually themed content (e.g. Instead, the labels are intended to classify and sort a range of content that is allowed, but now must be labeled appropriately. Twitch is careful to emphasize that nothing is changing about its rules defining what is and is not allowed on the platform. “Our goal here again is better nuance from the existing mature flag - it helps you be clearer in that label and it helps viewers and advertisers make better decisions about how they show up around your content.” “I don’t expect this is a major change we do however want to make sure it’s not a scary one or a punitive one for you,” Twitch Chief Chief Product Officer Tom Verrilli said in a livestream explaining the changes. In the case of Mature-rated games, that label will be applied automatically. The labels will also display when a streamer is playing a game with a Mature ESRB rating, which applies to games intended for players 17 and up. Those new labels roll out today to all Twitch users. The company announced Tuesday that it would introduce a new set of content labels that require streamers to signal when their channels will contain sexual themes, graphic violence, “drugs, intoxication, or excessive tobacco use,” gambling or “significant” profanity or vulgarity.

Twitch is rethinking the way it flags mature content, swapping its existing toggle for a more granular set of topic-specific labels.